What Counselling Can Offer you?

Whatever your reasons for seeking out counselling, you are assured of a safe and confidential environment. A supportive human being will be available to listen with a non-judgemental attitude and understand your thoughts and feelings.

You may choose to work with a therapist who challenges you and teaches you the skills and therapeutic techniques that can be beneficial for your personal and professional life and career. You may also have the opportunity to empower yourself and reach upto your goals. Our intention is to help you live in the moment by looking into the future endeavors.

So who goes to counseling? People from all walks of life and occupation seek help through trained and professional therapists. They may be senior executives, students or unemployed, male or female, as young as 3 and as old as 90. We accept anyone whether their race, religion, culture, ethnic background is different. We believe we are all children of God.

Counselling Setting
Counselling Setting
Clinical supervision
Clinical supervision
Ongoing training
Ongoing training
Fees and Accessibility
Fees and Accessibility
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